Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sick Days

I feel silly for ever complaining about being sick before I was a mom. What was so bad about having to stay in bed and watch movies all day? Even when I'm sick, Cole still comes first and yesterday he had one of the roughest days of his short life. His naps normally total about 3 hours a day... but yesterday he took three 20 minutes naps! It's not that he wasn't tired... because all he wanted to do when he woke up was sit with me... which I loved:) This little boy may only be 8 months old, but it seems like he outgrew the cuddling stage a long time ago...


patsy said...

That is the cutest picture I have ever seen! Is Cole sick?

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Cole is sick too...but he seems to be doing fine, I can just hear that he is sick in the way he breathes.