Saturday, December 22, 2007

Settling In

Life is slowly starting to feel normal again... I have just been in a fog since I moved to Washington a little over a month ago, but I can feel that clearing up. We closed on our house finally and we are in the process of moving in... The whole ordeal with buying the house has been pretty stressful, but in the end all is well...
All of our furniture is still in storage and we won't get any of it until next Thursday, but in the meantime, I just thought I would decorate a little bit for Christmas:) With all of the craziness of moving, Christmas seems to have really snuck up on me this year and I haven't really had the chance to appreciate the season like I normally do, but it isn't too late. Tomorrow we are going to my parent's house until Christmas and I am really looking forward to that...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Diaper Days

I love letting Cole crawl around the house in his diaper... I think he likes it too, because when I am changing him, the second his diaper is on he crawls away as fast as he can. In this picture, he has just dumped out his sippy cup on the kitchen floor and is splashing around in the water.
I am grateful for the perspective that Cole gives me on life. Things have been pretty crazy/stressful lately between selling our house in Utah and rushing to buy a house here, but I cannot just sit and stress because Cole needs me and I don't know what I would do without him.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Into Everything

Cole's favorite place to play these days is the kitchen... I try to keep the cupboards cleaned out so there isn't any real damage to be done:)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Trader Joe's

These cookies are delicious! They taste a lot like an Oreo...but... they have crushed candy cane pieces in the cream... I found them at my new favorite place to shop... Trader Joe's. Have you ever heard of it? I went there for the first time this past Saturday and I was loving my life. It is a really small store, but packed with specialty items that you can't really find anywhere else. Plus... they have really good prices... I think I am going to be shopping there from now on.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Crazy Cole

Today has been one of those days where Cole is refusing to nap... He woke up this morning at 7 and it is now 2 and he still hasn't napped... but instead of getting cranky, he has just been silly all afternoon and we've been having a lot of fun together. He was laughing so hard at times, that his face was bright red... Just thought I'd share the cuteness...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Grandpa's Boys

Being home for Thanksgiving was so much fun. Cole loved all the space at my parent's house that he had to crawl around and explore and he loved playing with his cousin Ukiah, the cutie on the left. Ukiah was very nice and shared his toys and his grandpa with Cole... I cannot wait until Cole is a little older and they can play together even more.

Apple Blossom Lane

I can finally post real pictures again! The usb cord for my camera got packed accidentally and I didn't know that it is a generic item that you can get just about anywhere... Once Sean pointed that out to me I went and got one, so here I am... I took these pictures while we were in the process of leaving our house. Just yesterday, I went to get my ring cleaned and the lady had to look up the warranty on my ring and she saw my address next to my name and said, "Apple Blossom Lane... that is a cute address..." It made me sad to think that it isn't really my address anymore because I did love the street's name. But the house is still mine for 11 more days... we are closing on it on December 13th and then hopefully closing on our house here on December 20th... I am crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly and that our buyer's don't change their mind about our house:)